Legends from my country – Mate – 4th year students, IFD

LEGENDS FROM MY COUNTRY presentacion ingles[1](2)

Ahora se puede ver la presentación de los estudiantes del IFD Canelones! Buen trabajo!

Now you can see the presentation from the students at IFD Canelones! Nice work!

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Legends from my country – Mate – 4th year students, IFD Comenio, Canelones

PowerPoint download coming soon!

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The use of ITCs in the English Class – Eunice Dortta, Valeria Acosta, Laura Rodríguez

The use of Technology in our daily teaching nowadays is a fact. We use it to prepare our lessons, to invite the students to practice certain skills online, etc. The ITCs are one more tool to help our students learn the Foreign Language. They are stress and anxiety free and they raise the learners’ self esteem and sense of achievement. They help learners become independent and autonomous.

In this presentation we will share the experience of including the program JCLICK in our English Class. This program helps them practice new language and reinforce already acquired knowledge.

– Eunice Dortta, Valeria Acosta, Laura Rodríguez, CERP Maldonado

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Proyecto Portugués – Español en la frontera -Heriberto Suárez Fernández

Em 2003, implementou-se um projeto binacional de ensino de português na cidade de Artigas e de espanhol na vizinha Quaraí.

A ideia surgiu no âmbito da Câmara de Vereadores da cidade uruguaia e logo após foi colocada em prática pelos governos municipais das
duas localidades. O curso foi oferecido a todos os cidadâos de ambas as cidades desde que nâo estivessem frequentando outros cursos
em instituçôes educacionais. Teve como principal objetivo a formaçâo nas duas línguas para tornar possível usos mais formais em proveito das atividades pessoais e profissionais dos participantes.

No primeiro ano de execuçâo, o curso revelou bons resultados a partir da avaliaçâo feita tanto pelos professores que participaram do projeto , como dos alunos.
É que o curso tornou mais possível o acceso a diversas áreas de trabalho como hotelaria, gastronomia e turismo entre outras.
Espera-se que esta experiência bem sucedida possa ser recuperada e ampliada, fazendo com que cidadâos de outras regiôes do pais tenham a oportunidade de fazer cursos de português que lhes permita uma melhor capacitaçâo para o mercado de trabalho.

«En el transcurso del año 2003, se puso en marcha un plan piloto de carácter binacional (2 años de duración), de enseñanza del idioma portugués en la ciudad de Artigas, y , -según la redacción y propósito del mismo – paralelamente se inició en la ciudad de Quaraí (Brasil) , la enseñanza del idioma español.
La idea surgió en la órbita de la Junta Departamental de Artigas, siendo puesta en práctica posteriormente, por los gobiernos municipales de ambas ciudades, en forma gratuita.
Estuvo dirigido el mencionado curso a todo ciudadano que tuviera interés en realizarlo, siendo el único requisito exigido, no estar cursando estudios en los centros de educación formal.
Tuvo como objetivo principal, capacitar a personas para emplear correctamente el uso de los respectivos idiomas, en provecho de sus actividades particulares o profesionales.-
Asimismo, crear nuevas posibilidades laborales,en las áreas de hotelería, restaurantes, turismo.,etc; existentes particularmente en las regiones turísticas de ambos países.
El desasrrollo del curso en su primer año de experiencia, significó un éxito muy importante de acuerdo a los logros obtenidos, tanto por parte del grupo de docentes involucrados, como por parte de los alumnos que realizaron el mismo.
En base a lo expresado y  persiguiendo el objetivo superior de que muchos ciudadanos de nuestro país, puedan beneficiarse con la adquisición y uso correcto de una nueva lengua como lo es el portugués; creemos firmemente en la posibilidad de que dicha experiencia pueda ser reformulada, planificada y estructurada a nivel nacional, en procura de los resultados expresados.

– Heriberto Suárez Fernández, IPA

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Two perspectives on teaching the thematic unit of Sports – Valeria Machines and Alejandra Pizzorno

Valeria Machines and Alejandra Pizzorno will share their
activities and reflections in the English classroom. These learning activities
were done while working with the thematic unit Sport with two 4th year groups at Liceo Nº7 in Paysandú.

Valeria Machines will present an activity which deals with football and the
participation of the Uruguayan football team in the World Cup. This presentation will not only show the different tasks that were done during the lesson, but also the trainee will share some reflections on the main concerns of teaching and learning involved in the development of the class.

Alejandra Pizzorno will show a video of her lesson on a crazy sport: underwater hockey focusing on how new vocabulary was introduced. She will discuss how the use of realia in the classroom is an engaging factor in the learning process as well as some reflections on the outcome of her lesson.

– Valeria Machines and Alejandra Pizzorno, IFD Paysandú

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Paysandú, ready for future demands? Antonella Suárez and Veronica Griecco

Our investigation is about the current situation of English teachers who work in State high schools that depend of the Consejo de Educación Secundaria. These include high schools number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Technical education, as well as private and rural high schools have been left aside due to lack of time to make an in-depth investigation, although we are planning to extend it in a near future.

The reason of our interest in this subject is that since we are students of the
Instituto de Formación Docente, we have come to realize from our teaching
practice in these high schools, that several teachers are not attending the
regular courses and do not have a degree. It important to highlight the fact
that the course was first put available in 2008 in Paysandú with teachers for all the subjects.

Consequently, we wonder about their motives not attend these courses,
which level of English do they possess, the pedagogical and methodological
background they had when they first began teaching and the one they
have acquired while working at high schools, the influence that the training
course has had in them, and (to those teachers who are not studying) what
expectance they have of their work situation in a near future, comparing
themselves with teachers who have a degree or are in the way of graduating.

The development of the investigation was delivering a questionnaire to all
English teachers who work in the previously mentioned high schools, plus the aid of the institute’s data regarding students of the English teachers training course.

– Antonella Suárez and Veronica Griecco, IFD Paysandú

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Getting in touch with preferences – Cindy Núñez

This presentation will be based on the didactic explanation of a lesson plan, dealing with
preferences following Harmer´s ideas (Engage-Study-Activate).

The presentation will consist of a deductive explanation; ESA is going to be explained first.
Later, a successful plan already taken into practice will be presented following this model,
modified using the speaker’s own ideas.
– Cindy Núñez, IFD Paysandú

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Surveys – Marienella Perroni

Why do a survey in class? This task will encourage students to talk among themselves and
later on with the teacher.

Learners will be given different types of questions which they will have to ask to several

The presentation will also include a didactic explanation related to the importance of this task,
which is utterly entertaining to students.

It is adapted to every level.


– Marienella Perroni, IFD Paysandú

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«Introducing phonetics in the class» – Sebastián Díaz

This presentation is going to be focused on certain activities for different levels to engage students in this topic.

The activities to be presented to an elementary level will be about recognition of problematic phonemes, while for an intermediate level the emphasis will be put on accuracy, and characteristics of connected speech. And, for an advanced level phoneme recognition, characteristics of sounds, assimilation, elision and ellipsis.

– Sebastián Díaz, IFD Paysandú

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¡Gracias a todos!

Quiero agredecerles a todos que vinieron al Simposio ayer, a todos que apoyaron en todas partes del evento.

Pronto podemos empezar el trabajo de subir el contenido para compartir en en internet.  Los que presentaron me pueden mandar resumenes (los que no ya hicieron) y sus PowerPoints, y yo intentaré encontrar la mejor manera de ponerlos en el sitio.

¡Gracias otra vez!  Buen hecho 🙂

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