Two perspectives on teaching the thematic unit of Sports – Valeria Machines and Alejandra Pizzorno

Valeria Machines and Alejandra Pizzorno will share their
activities and reflections in the English classroom. These learning activities
were done while working with the thematic unit Sport with two 4th year groups at Liceo Nº7 in Paysandú.

Valeria Machines will present an activity which deals with football and the
participation of the Uruguayan football team in the World Cup. This presentation will not only show the different tasks that were done during the lesson, but also the trainee will share some reflections on the main concerns of teaching and learning involved in the development of the class.

Alejandra Pizzorno will show a video of her lesson on a crazy sport: underwater hockey focusing on how new vocabulary was introduced. She will discuss how the use of realia in the classroom is an engaging factor in the learning process as well as some reflections on the outcome of her lesson.

– Valeria Machines and Alejandra Pizzorno, IFD Paysandú

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